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RSS aesthetics July 31, 2006

Posted by zeroinfluencer in code, Datama!, Prototype, Visuals.
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RSS feeds aren’t just for reading ;0′

Here’s some grabs from a little vvvv patch that grabs the RSS of my most recently played tracks (according to last.fm) and throws them around the screen in a votex kinda way…

The patch..

http://vvvvideo0o0oo July 31, 2006

Posted by zeroinfluencer in code, Datama!, Prototype, Video.
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Joreg has fixed support for vvvv to read video files via http:// and mms:// protocols.

Damn that was fast.. Thanks Joreg.

vvvvideo spread tests July 30, 2006

Posted by zeroinfluencer in code, Datama!, Prototype, Video, Visuals.
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Some idle playing with video spreads in vvvv; just patch practising really, but interesting to see the effects of mixing two video steam and judge the readability. Videos (here and here) are from the Internet Archive and ran locally on the client machine.

More screen shots from the patch are here.

Another grab:

The vvvv patch (video spread2-1.v4p):

There’s a couple of videos of the patch in action.

They’re a little jerky as the capture was done straight out of vvvv to the computer and the frame rate just cant keep up with read and write happening at the same time.

Render 1

Render 2

http://vvvvideo July 30, 2006

Posted by zeroinfluencer in Datama!, Prototype.
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Joreg at meso.net has looked into the video request and looks like it may be included in next release of vvvv.

I’ll proceed with working with local files for now..

datama prototype in vvvv July 29, 2006

Posted by zeroinfluencer in Datama!, Prototype, Visuals.
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I’ve had a stab at building a basic prototype in VVVV. It’s been a while since I’ve vvvvooled around, but it’s so nice to be ‘making’ again.

Right, the basic application pulls an RSS feed, playbacks video (locally) and pulls in a website, puts each piece of media on a quad layer, animates them and renders in a single screen. Doesn’t look very pretty at the mo, but it’s a step in the right direction.

Having a nightmare trying to work out how to pull video off the web and play within VVVV. I’ll post a shout on the vvvvorums about this.

Here’s a few screen grabs of what the application generates at present:-

Automated mixing of video, RSS and HTML. #1

Automated mixing of video, RSS and HTML. #2

Automated mixing of video, RSS and HTML. #3

Visualisation July 27, 2006

Posted by jodyallen in Datama!, Visuals.

Okay, so i’ve been working on some visuals to flesh out the schematics we have in place…

They’re just some stills for now, basically grabs out of After Effects from a bunch of video streams i’m trying to weld together. Hopefully they should help demonstrate the datama principle, maybe even spark a bit of inspiration.

Trying to keep it really simple for the moment, using a minimum of filters and concentrating on working up a system approach to layout that might spark an idea somewhere down the line.

Feedback would be great. -A journey of a thousand miles and all that…

Jody. x







High Level Concept Schematic July 27, 2006

Posted by zeroinfluencer in Datama!, Schematic.
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Here’s the first of the schematic diagrams. It’s very high level, but you can see what the system should comprise of.

Click image for full size version.

URI: data.ma July 24, 2006

Posted by zeroinfluencer in Admin, Datama!.
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Woo! The project’s domain name has finally been processed and the redirect is in place.

Inspired by del.icio.us the project has it’s own domain hack.

Update your bookmarks: www.data.ma

SourceForge: Datama repository is open July 24, 2006

Posted by zeroinfluencer in Version control.
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The guys at SourceForge have green lit the datama repository.

I’ll be uploading the first draft of the schematics this week.

The address for the project is:-


Click here for information about SourceForge.

Datama! v0.1 July 9, 2006

Posted by zeroinfluencer in code, Version control.
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datama v0.1

So here’s the first draft of Datama! published under the GNU General Public License.

There’s a long way to go, but one step at a time..